Adult Group home breaks ground on Pearson Rd

Valrico - South of Bloomingdale Ave on Pearson Rd, a new 12 unit adult services home recently broke ground with land clearing completed. When finished, the facility will be a residence for folks with disabilities…

The Building itself is an interesting design where 4 tri-plexes are adjoined with a common area between. There should be very little traffic associated with the project for those that live in the area…

…and for those who use Sterns Rd to bypass the Bloomingdale/Pearson intersection, you’ve probably seen the location cleared…(PS - we’re not their favorites for doing this, so please be courteous…)

From the Owners Sunrise Group, “ There will be 12 permanent residents. No staff will be living in the homes. Depending on the needs of the persons in the homes there may be 2 staff per unit per shift plus a shared supervisor and nurse. Sunrise Community, Inc.  is a not for profit agency that has provided services for people with intellectual and developmental disabilities for over 50 years in Florida ”


North Park Rd Commercial project in Plant City


Myakka Elephant Ranch