RZ24-0676 - Self-Storage Old Big Bend

Riverview - RZ24-0676 is a request for a Public Storage self-storage at the NW corner of OLD Big Bend Rd and Simmons Rd…this is not on Big Bend Rd and will not have access via Big Bend Rd, so rest easy about that…

This project will include 3 buildings and up to 163,000sf of storage space over 4.8 acres…so each building on average would be about the size of a Publix. If they consider this a “mini-storage” project, I’m not sure I’d want to see what a “maxi-storage” project would look like…

This might not be the use most of us want to see built, although it’s hard to find a reason to fight it as storage facilities are apparently a needed commodity in the area…but if you want to voice your opinion, now would be the time.


Teco Rd Child Care


RZ 24-0674 - Goodwill Retail Store