Bye-Bye Buy Buy Baby, Hello Scandinavian Design

Brandon - Recently submitted plans show “scandinavian design t.i.” as the tenant taking over the spot occupied by Buy Buy Baby on Causeway between Lowes and Sprouts…

Scandinavian Designs / Dania Furniture sells modern, mid-modern, and Scandinavian furniture and is not to be confused with the “Scan Design” showroom located on Gandy Blvd in Tampa - they are different companies that sell similar products

The 35,000sf build-out wil be the FIRST Florida location so that’s pretty impressive…Congrats and Welcome to the area! (…although you might want to go with “Dania Furniture” seeing how “Scan Design” aready has 10 locations throughout Florida…)


Fishhawk to get it’s 1st Domino’s?!


RZ 24-0293 -South of Rhodine Rd