RZ 24-0675 - Energy Industrial Park

Dover - Rezoning 24-0675 has been filed in anticipation of the passage of CPA 23-15. This would be the south side of SR 60 from Dover to Turkey Creek…

This rezoning is to identify those areas that can be developed and what can be developed in each of those pockets…

”Allow Ancillary Commercial and Office uses within Pocket C1” and “Allow Industrial, Research, Manufacturing, Warehousing, and Distribution uses within Pockets G and H1”

”Where’s the “energy” part of the Energy Industrial Park” you ask…that’s coming…(maybe). These projects are meant to incentivize developers to invest in energy-realted projects in the park, so let’s see how that works…


RZ 24-0674 - Goodwill Retail Store


Lincoln Bend may be adding Retail building